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Single Cell Biology Publications

Selected Scientific Peer-Reviewed Publications Authored by SCBL Service Members

Bozal SBSjogren G, Costa AP, Brown JSRoberts SBaker DGabriel P, Jr., Ristau BT, Samuels MFlynn WFRobson PCourtois ETDevelopment of an automated 3D high content cell screening platform for organoid phenotypingSLAS Discov. 2024 Sep; 29(7):100182.

Enkhmandakh B, Joshi P, Robson P, Vijaykumar A, Mina M, Shin DG, Bayarsaihan D. Single-cell Transcriptome Landscape of DNA Methylome Regulators Associated with Orofacial Clefts in the Mouse Dental PulpCleft Palate Craniofac J. 2024 Sep; 61(9):1480-92.

Mukashyaka PKumar PMellert DJNicholas SNoorbakhsh JBrugiolo MCourtois ETAnczukow OLiu ETChuang JHHigh-throughput deconvolution of 3D organoid dynamics at cellular resolution for cancer pharmacology with CellosNat Commun. 2023 Dec 18; 14(1):8406.

Wang L, Wang B, Gasek NS, Zhou Y, Cohn RL, Martin DE, Zuo WFlynn WF, Guo C, Jellison ER, Kim T, Prata L, Palmer AK, Li M, Inman CL, Barber LS, Al-Naggar IMA, Zhou Y, Du W, Kshitiz, Kuchel GA, Meves A, Tchkonia T, Kirkland JL, Robson P, Xu M. Targeting p21(Cip1) highly expressing cells in adipose tissue alleviates insulin resistance in obesityCell Metab. 2022 Jan 4; 34(1):75-89.e8.

Varn FSJohnson KCMartinek J, Huse JT, Nasrallah MP, Wesseling P, Cooper LAD, Malta TM, Wade TE, Sabedot TS, Brat D, Gould PV, Wöehrer A, Aldape K, Ismail A, Sivajothi SKBarthel FPKim HKocakavuk E, Ahmed N, White K, Datta I, Moon HE, Pollock S, Goldfarb CLee GH, Garofano L, Anderson KJNehar-Belaid D, Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Bakas S, Byrne AT, D'Angelo F, Gan HK, Khasraw M, Migliozzi S, Ormond DR, Paek SH, Van Meir EG, Walenkamp AME, Watts C, Weiss T, Weller M, Palucka K, Stead LF, Poisson LM, Noushmehr H, Iavarone A, Verhaak RGWThe GLASS ConsortiumGlioma progression is shaped by genetic evolution and microenvironment interactionsCell. 2022 Jun 9; 185(12):2184-99.e16.

Tan YFlynn WFSivajothi SLuo DBozal SBDavé M, Luciano AA, Robson P, Luciano DE, Courtois ETSingle-cell analysis of endometriosis reveals a coordinated transcriptional programme driving immunotolerance and angiogenesis across eutopic and ectopic tissuesNat Cell Biol. 2022 Aug; 24(8):1306-18. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35864314

Johnson KCAnderson KJCourtois ETGujar ADBarthel FPVarn FSLuo DSeignon MYi EKim H, Estecio MRH, Zhao D, Tang M, Navin NE, Maurya RNgan CY, Verburg N, de Witt Hamer PC, Bulsara K, Samuels ML, Das S, Robson PVerhaak RGWSingle-cell multimodal glioma analyses identify epigenetic regulators of cellular plasticity and environmental stress responseNat Genet. 2021 Oct; 53(10):1456-68. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34594038

Fujita A, Zhong L, Antony MS, Chamiec-Case E, Mickelsen LE, Kanoski SE, Flynn WF, Jackson AC. Neurokinin B-Expressing Neurons of the Central Extended Amygdala Mediate Inhibitory Synaptic Input onto Melanin-Concentrating Hormone Neuron SubpopulationsJ Neurosci. 2021 Nov 17; 41(46):9539-60. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34642212

Elyada E, Bolisetty M, Laise P, Flynn WFCourtois ET, Burkhart RA, Teinor JA, Belleau P, Biffi G, Lucito MS, Sivajothi S, Armstrong TD, Engle DD, Yu KH, Hao Y, Wolfgang CL, Park Y, Preall J, Jaffee EM, Califano A, Robson P, Tuveson DA. Cross-Species Single-Cell Analysis of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Reveals Antigen-Presenting Cancer-Associated FibroblastsCancer Discov. 2019 Aug; 9(8):1102-23.

Li H, Courtois ET, Sengupta D, Tan Y, Chen KH, Goh JJL, Kong SL, Chua C, Hon LK, Tan WS, Wong M, Choi PJ, Wee LJK, Hillmer AM, Tan IB, Robson P, Prabhakar S. Reference component analysis of single-cell transcriptomes elucidates cellular heterogeneity in human colorectal tumorsNat Genet. 2017 May; 49(5):708-18.

Selected Scientific Technology Development Publications Authored by SCBL Service Members

Soja ESivajothi SFlynn WFCourtois ETHematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) Staining of Tissues following Multiplexed Imaging on Phenocycler-Fusionprotocols.io. 2024.

Sivajothi SSoja EBhargava SFlynn WFCourtois ETFFPE Tissue Processing for Multimodal Imaging Assays (Phenocycler-Fusion + H&E) following Xenium In Situ Gene Expressionprotocols.io. 2024.

Sivajothi S, Ramasamy R, Robson P. 8-placenta-full-term-imc (v1.1) graph dataHuman Reference Atlas Knowledge Graph. 2024.

Sivajothi SSoja EFlynn WFCourtois ETissue Sectioning Guidelines (FFPE) - CODEX/PhenoCyclerprotocols.io. 2023.

Tan YLuo DBozal SRobson PCourtois EHuman endometrium and endometriosis tissue dissociation for single-cell RNA sequencingprotocols.io. 2022.

Perry GAGabriel PLuo DGrassmann JFlynn WFCourtois ETRobson PDaigle SLNuclei Prep from Frozen Mouse Brain Tissues with Optional Sucrose Column for single nuclei RNA-seqprotocols.io. 2022.

Martinek JWu TCSun LLin JKim KIMarches FRobson PGeorge JPalucka KMultiplex immunofluorescence-guided laser capture microdissection for spatial transcriptomics of metastatic melanoma tissuesSTAR Protoc. 2022 Dec 16; 3(4):101698.

Selected Consortium-Publications Authored by SCBL Service Members

Jain S, Pei L, Spraggins JM, Angelo M, Carson JP, Gehlenborg N, Ginty F, Gonçalves JP, Hagood JS, Hickey JW, Kelleher NL, Laurent LC, Lin S, Lin Y, Liu H, Naba A, Nakayasu ES, Qian WJ, Radtke A, Robson P, Stockwell BR, Van de Plas R, Vlachos IS, Zhou M, HuBMAP Consortium [Courtois ET, Flynn, W.], Börner K, Snyder MP. Advances and prospects for the Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP)Nat Cell Biol. 2023 Jul 19; 25(8):1089-100.

SenNet Consortium [Courtois ET ]NIH SenNet Consortium to map senescent cells throughout the human lifespan to understand physiological healthNat Aging. 2022 Dec; 2(12):1090-100.

Bose S, Barroso M, Chheda MG, Clevers H, Elez E, Kaochar S, Kopetz SE, Li XN, Meric-Bernstam F, Meyer CA, Mou H, Naegle KM, Pera MF, Perova Z, Politi KA, Raphael BJ, Robson P, Sears RC, Tabernero J, Tuveson DA, Welm AL, Welm BE, Willey CD, Salnikow K, Chuang JH, Shen X. A path to translation: How 3D patient tumor avatars enable next generation precision oncologyCancer Cell. 2022 Dec 12; 40(12):1448-53.

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