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Our expert surgeons are specially trained to perform surgeries on mice, using aseptic and atraumatic techniques that prevent operative complications permitting a smoother surgical recovery. All surgeries are performed in a laminar flow hood within HEPA-filtered, positive pressure suites to deliver surgically modified mice that are tailored for your specific research needs.
Surgical Procedure | Price |
Adrenalectomy7 | $83.34 |
Bilateral Brain Cannulation2
| $467.87 |
Catheter, Jugular Vein with Vascular Access Button1,2
(care and use information) | $344.11 |
Catheter, Carotid Artery with Vascular Access Button1,2
(care and use information) | $352.12 |
Catheter, Carotid Artery with Vascular Access Button – MRI Compatible2
(care and use information) | $378.27 |
Catheter, Jugular Vein with Vascular Access Button – MRI Compatible2
(care and use information) | $373.50 |
Castration | $79.22 |
Brain Cannulation - Lateral Ventricle2,6
(care and use information) | $353.37 |
Brain Cannulation - Third Ventricle2,6
(care and use information) | $364.11 |
Brain Cannulation – Custom2,6
(care and use information) | $332.45
Microchip Insertion4 | $46.36 |
Nephrectomy, Unilateral | $110.17 |
5/6 Nephrectomy | $255.09 |
Ovariectomy | $79.75 |
Ovarian Transplantation | $137.93 |
Splenectomy | $85.08 |
Subcutaneous Hormone Implant4 | $79.87 |
Telemetry - Temperature, Activity3,4,5 | $175.59 |
Telemetry - ECG, Temperature, Activity3,4,5,8 | $349.98 |
Telemetry - Blood Pressure, Activity3,4,5,8 | $373.75 |
Telemetry - Blood Pressure, ECG3,4,5,8 | $462.59 |
Telemetry - EEG + EMG, Activity3,4,5 | $395.59 |
Telemetry - EEG, Temperature, Activity3,4,5 | $317.42 |
Telemetry - EMG, Temperature, Activity3,4,5 | $252.06 |
Thymectomy - Adult | $146.65 |
Vasectomy | $84.17 |
Sham Surgery | 100% of regular price |
The Jackson Laboratory
Attn: Surgical Services
600 Main Street
Bar Harbor, Maine 04609
*Surcharge is applied to all surgeries performed on obese mice.
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