JAX faculty and leaders featured in top-tier and other media, contributing their extensive knowledge to inform news and current events.
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JAX faculty and leaders featured in top-tier and other media, contributing their extensive knowledge to inform news and current events.
WNPR visited JAX’s Farmington, Conn. campus to interview Elise Courtois, Jasmina Kuljancic and their collaborators about their work to understand the root causes of endometriosis and, possibly, pave the way to effective treatments and a cure.
Neurology Live featured Gareth Howell in a video discussing the importance of using diverse mouse models to study Alzheimer's disease and the way microglia-based genetics can impact susceptibility to the disease. The video was filmed at the annual Alzheimer's Association International Conference, which attracted more than 12,500 scientists from 93 countries.
Nature Methods interviewed two first-generation students currently in the Summer Student Program (SSP): Ameleen Wong, who is working in Steve Murray's lab, and Travis Beckett, who is working in Carol Bult's lab. Both talked about their backgrounds and scientific aspirations for the future.
WABI 5 Bangor featured on-camera interviews at HighSeas with SSP program director Laura Muller, and five current students, who spoke about how the program has impacted their scientific studies and future career prospects. Fox 22/ABC 7 and CT News Junkie also featured the SSP celebrating its 100th year in recent weeks.
NewsCenter Maine reported on Governor Mills' annual Opioid Summit, held each year to focus on the state's commitment to fight the opioid epidemic. Jason Bubier and Vivek Kumar participated in a panel on addiction research at the event, which was included in the news segment.
Science interviewed Elise Courtois and Lisa Roy for an article about the endometriosis biorepository in Connecticut and how it will contribute to research into this condition. CT News Junkie, UConn Today shared the story.
NBC Connecticut produced a segment in advance of National DNA Day for an event at the State Capitol on April 25, featuring an interview with Sarah Wojiski. She shared details about the event and discussed the significance of the day in relation to JAX research.
WMUR 9 New Hampshire featured Ed Liu in a segment about increasing cancer rates in individuals under 50. He spoke about the types of cancers on the rise, the lifestyle changes that may be contributing to them, and how researchers are working to understand the biology behind his disturbing trend.
Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News published a story about a new platform developed by Martin Pera and Daniel Cortes to make mice a more powerful tool for studying human diseases. Bioengineer.org and others also shared the news.
WABI 5 Maine produced a news segment about JAX's addiction research, featuring the work of Jason Bubier and Elissa Chesler, who use genetically diverse mice to determine how substance use and abuse may affect different individuals—research that may help alleviate the stigma of addiction.
WFSB Eyewitness News covered the annual Denise D'Ascenzo "Walk to Fight Rare Diseases" and interviewed Joanna Gell, highlighting how the walk raises awareness and money to help in the research and care for disorders that often do not get the spotlight or the funds.
Mainebiz reported that Mary Dickinson has been hired as JAX's inaugural chief scientific officer, overseeing scientific strategy and operations. IT Digest, The Sun Chronicle, The New England Council and many other outlets also shared the news.
American Scientist reported on a paper authored by Erik Bloss and Gareth Howell that explored how genetically diverse mice may have more resistance to Alzheimer's disease. Bloss and Howell were both interviewed for the story.
News Medical covered JAX's news release announcing Jennifer Trowbridge's work, showing that hematopoietic stem cells age differently in genetically identical mice.
Popular Science featured Vivek Kumar in a story about how researchers are adopting new tools to gain a deeper understanding of how mice, and ultimately humans, respond to different drug treatments. Yahoo! News also covered the news.
Science Daily ran JAX's press release announcing Greg Carter's, Gareth Howell's and Mike Sasner's work on creating a strain of mice that's genetically susceptible to late-onset Alzheimer's, with potentially transformative implications for dementia research. New Medical, Medical Xpress and Health Medicine Network also covered the news.
News Medical Life Sciences ran JAX's press release announcing the first comprehensive ranking of the relative role and significance of every known gene and protein in the development of Alzheimer's Disease in advance of the Alzheimer's Associate International Conference. Several outlets, including ReachMD, ran the release.
Cell & Gene produced a podcast episode with Cat Lutz to discuss how the study of rare diseases can potentially advance progress in common diseases, and much more.
New Scientist quoted Elise Courtois in a story about why women receive a delayed endometriosis diagnosis, noting a lack of awareness.