About the Program
Professional development in Genetics and Genomics and Bioethics
Professional development in Genetics and Genomics and Bioethics
Teaching the Genome Generation (TtGG) is designed to provide high school teachers the content knowledge, teaching strategies, and resources needed to enhance student learning in genetics, genomics, and personalized medicine. In TtGG™, students conduct classroom experiments, collect and analyze real data, and discuss of the ethical complexities at the intersection of human genomics, research and medicine.
The TtGG curriculum is divided into three major themes, which should be taught in an integrated fashion, rather than isolated units. These include:
- the laboratory methods involved in isolating, amplifying and detecting human DNA,
the computational methods utilized in analyzing DNA, RNA or amino acid sequences, and
the ethics involved in genetic testing and genetics research (JAX is pleased to be a long time collaboration partner with the Personal Genetics Education & Dialogue organization).
There are two professional development options for teachers: an in-person short course (currently only available to teachers in New England states) and a self-paced online course. Regardless of course pursued, teachers will have the opportunity to develop lessons designed for their unique school environment and resources. The TtGG™ curriculum is highly adaptive- teachers can introduce modern genetics lessons in introductory biology, Honors, electives, and AP courses. TtGG™ favors interdisciplinary modes of teaching including connections to computer science, social sciences, and health.
Upon completion of the course, TtGG™ support is provided by Genomics Educators at JAX as well as a community of alumni of the course and other experts who can provide guidance and mentoring.
In-Person Short Course
TtGG staff offer a one-week, residential, paid short course to teachers living and teaching in New England states. The hands-on course allows teachers the opportunity to perform molecular biology and bioinformatics experiments in the teaching laboratory. Lively discussions of social, ethical, and legal topics in personal genetics are woven into all aspects of the course. Teachers are provided training in NGSS-aligned, inquiry-based lessons that can be implemented (in whole or in part) within their biology curricula. Access to all lesson plans and curricular materials is made freely available to all participants for use in their classes.
Registration for the in-person summer TtGG Short Course is now open! This year’s course will run from June 23-27, 2025 at 2 locations:
- The CT Science Center in Hartford, CT for Connecticut teachers
- The Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, ME for Maine teachers
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Virtual Professional Development
Any teacher who wishes to participate in professional development on their own schedule can enroll in one of our free virtual professional development courses.
Virtual TtGG: ACE and Winning the Race
In this free, self-paced course, teachers receive instruction in all elements of the NGSS-aligned TtGG curriculum: molecular genetics laboratories, the use of bioinformatic tools, and discussion of the ethics of genetics research and genetic testing. The course is broken down into modules and includes instructional content in both written and video formats, interactive tutorials, and knowledge check quizzes to help teachers assess their level of understanding of the material. Access to all lesson plans and curricular materials is made freely available to all course participants for use in their classes. Completion time: 10-12 hours.
TtGG Cancer Genetics Curriculum
This free, self-paced MiniCourse provides guidance for teachers who are interested in implementing theTtGG Cancer Genetics Curriculum. The Cancer Genetics Curriculum is a module of lessons designed to teach about hereditary cancers through genetic data analysis. Upon completion, teachers will be able to navigate and evaluate the components of the Cancer Genetics Curriculum and determine effective ways to adapt lessons for use in the classroom. The lessons in this curriculum focus on data analysis and bioethics and can be completed on computers or on paper – no lab equipment needed! Completion time: 1-2 hours.
Genetics and Genomics Learning Resources
Want to peruse TtGG lessons and content on your own? Visit our Genetics and Genomics Learning Resources page that includes our TtGG lessons as well as additional genetics and genomics-related lessons and activities developed by our JAX Genomic Education team.
Mobile Lab Kits
Through our grant funding from the NIH’s Science Education Partnership Award, JAX is able to provide loaner lab kits to teachers in Maine and Connecticut who participate in our TtGG professional development program. These kits include all lab equipment, consumable lab materials, such as pipette tips and sample tubes, and reagents (enzymes, buffers, primers, etc.) required to complete the laboratory portion of the TtGG curriculum with your students. Contact us at [email protected] to learn more!
Program Funding & Collaboration
This project is supported by the NIH/National Institute of General Medical Sciences.

The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. TtGG is also supported by The Petit Family Foundation and an anonymous gift. Prior support for TtGG has also come from the Arthur Vining Davis Foundation, Jane’s Trust and New England Biolabs.
Questions? The TtGG staff is always happy to talk to anyone interested in our program. Contact program staff at [email protected].